Sunday, October 5, 2008

MBA Alaska

Why blog about being in Business school? Well, why not, these are absolutely fascinating times to be studying business in America. We are in the midst of some amazing societal changes not only in this country, but worldwide. On a grand scale we are seeing the shift from Industrialism to the Information Age trickle through our economy, our workforce and into nearly every aspect of our lives. For the past 18 months we have been witnessing the historic collapse of the housing market, and the economic damages have just recently culminated with highly controversial government intervention, commonly known as The Bailout, but formally titled The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Yet many questions still remain. Are we in a recession? Are we entering another Great Depression? Is the bailout necessary? Is the bailout Socialism? When it is all said and done, what will America's standing in the world be?
I don't presume that I'll be able to answer these difficult questions in this humble blog, rather I will use it to share some of my thoughts and ideas about business in the context of this unique period of our country's history. Currently I'm in my first semester of the MBA program at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and I will discuss some of the ideas and issues that we focus on in the MBA program. Some of what I will post here will be directly from class assignments, class discussions and research materials. Other postings may revolve around current events, business trends and innovation. My hope is that users of this blog will comment on postings, create discussions and help direct the course of its progress. Enjoy!

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